4 Tips For An Incredible Frosh Week
Posted on 19 August 2018

Frosh week is one of those uniquely Canadian university experiences. Sometimes referred to as “Orientation week” (usually by the administration), frosh week is a weeklong string of exciting events for freshman, which all serve the purpose of acquainting you with your new university, and therefore your new life for the next for years. Events like college bed races, concerts, paint parties, BBQs, parades and scavenger hunts – to name just a few – all compete for your attention, to help you celebrate the beginning of your higher education.
And the best frosh weeks do it in style. We’re talking a lot of custom made t-shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts, with logos ranging from the tame to the absolutely absurd. No idea is too big or bold, and if you want the best screen printing in Toronto for your frosh apparel, R&P Prints is the way to go. Let’s look at a few tips for maximizing your frosh fun.
Suit Up
Get into the school spirit with custom printed t-shirts. Wait around long enough and someone is bound to hand you a t-shirt, usually with the name and logo of the university on it. But if you want to really take matters into your own hands, order custom t-shirts in bulk that are a little more playful. We’ve seen ones that say “New frosh, who dis?” in a text bubble, or ones that have the university name, but the design is made to look like a summer camp. And if the weather is still chilly, you can always get quality custom sweaters in Toronto for your frosh week. Your imagination is the limit here.
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Frosh week is as much about meeting people as it is about getting to know your new school. Everyone’s in the same boat as you, so don’t be afraid to talk to people. Sure, you’ll probably have to suffer through more than one awkward conversation, but with any luck, at the end of the week, you’ll have made a couple new friends. Friends that you might even have for life. Not sure how to go about it? Here’s a list from Psychology Today about how to meet strangers at parties.
Learn About The City And The University
Familiarize yourself with public transit, because chances are at some point over the next however many years, you are going to need it. Also, take some time away from the excitement to, you know, actually orient yourself on campus; familiarize yourself with the different buildings and memorize how to get around. There should be pamphlets with floor plans kicking around, so ensure you get your hands on one.
Rest Up
As much fun as frosh week is, it precedes a difficult few weeks, i.e. the beginning of the semester. There’s an old university saying: “studying, partying, sleeping – pick two.” In this case, you’ll want to pick sleep, at lease towards the end of frosh week.
It will all be over before you know it. Get your custom t shirts printed in Montreal or Toronto now, in time for frosh week, and celebrate in style. Make some new friends, get to know your new home and remember to catch up on some sleep once it’s all over.