What Pairs Perfectly With A Beer Festival? T-Shirts!
Posted on 15 July 2018

Summer means many things to many different people – but for beer enthusiasts, summer is all about the suds, and there’s no better place to enjoy a variety of local craft brews than at a summer beer festival. And it’s not just the die-hard beer fans making the trek out – it seems like the average Canadian can’t get enough of that signature mix of sun and beer that a festival offers. That’s pretty apparent when you take a look at the growing list of beer festivals being organized across Canada, a number that’s skyrocketed in the last decade or so.
It’s easily apparent what the appeal is for event attendees, but what about the organizers and vendors themselves. Well, a beer festival can be awesome for up-and-coming as well as established breweries, not only because of the lucrative sales opportunity but the added bump in exposure as well. The organizers, similarly, stand to make a lot of money on ticket sales. The question is, how do you maximize the revenue potential as these festivals? The answer is (perhaps literally) right under your nose: t-shirts.
For organizers of these events, printing custom t shirts in Toronto (or wherever the event is taking place) makes for an added revenue stream, as well as a year-round advertisement for next year’s event. Think of the beer festival t-shirt like a band’s tour t-shirt – people want to commemorate their experience at the event, and show their satisfaction. Selling t-shirts at a merchandise booth can even help fund next year’s event. Also, offering potential sponsors a spot on the shirt can help sweeten the deal, making funding the event easier.
For vendors (read: breweries), the benefits are similar. Oftentimes, the booths populating a craft beer festival are local and up-and-coming breweries, looking to engage with their community. By selling custom t shirts – aiming to make a modest profit, but offering them for a reasonable price, so as to incentivize people to buy one – breweries get their name out there, with a little extra cash to go toward the business. It’s a win-win. Beer t-shirts are no longer simply the staple of college students; a lot of people want to support their local breweries, as well as show off (what we’re sure is) your cool design and logo. Just send your design over to R&P Prints and we’ll give you quality t-shirts for a great price, with a quick turnaround time.
Finally, custom t-shirts should be ordered by event organizers for the event staff. Events are hectic, with different groups (ticket takers, chip sellers, clean up crew, etc.) trying to coordinate with one another. Having event staff wear branded, brightly coloured t-shirts can help the event run smoothly and effectively. Also, it helps event-goers easily identify staff, if they have an inquiry or in case of an emergency. Get on ordering your custom t-shirts right away – we do custom t shirts in Ottawa and all across Canada.
Some might try and convince you that the best pairing for a beer is a wedge of citrus, or a bowl of potato chips, but don’t listen to them – t-shirts are the best accompaniment for a beer. (Well, okay, we concede that potato chips are pretty good too!). T-shirts help the event run smoother; they offer organizers and brewers an opportunity to add a revenue stream; and they provide breweries with great exposure. Come visit our website today or drop us a line so we can chat about your order. Cheers!